
Network yourself with your friends and win!


Network yourself with your friends and win!

Congratulations! You have chosen the best way to quench your thirst carelessly. Share the experience with your friends, give them the opportunity for the quality water that you already enjoy and win !!!

Earn a discount on the value of your next cooler filter, for every friend you recommend and become a customer!

  1. 1

    You give us his details

  2. 2

    We communicate with him

  3. 3

    And if you become our customer, you automatically save 50% of the value of the next filter for your tap water cooler

Fill the required fields of the form below

Your personal details
Your friend's personal details

Required Fields

Η προσφορά ισχύει με τις παραπάνω προϋποθέσεις από την επόμενη κιόλας αλλαγή του φίλτρου σας.Τα στοιχεία σας θα χρησιμοποιηθούν αποκλειστικά από την Rainbow Waters και δεν θα διατεθούν σε άλλες εταιρίες για διαφημιστικούς σκοπούς.